Cameron Jennings @RainLauncherNG

Age 17, Male

Robbing grannies

Squidward Community College

Inside your penis hole

Joined on 6/20/21

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As a myth was once told, after the invasion of a small American state, Lansatro by Iraqi forces for their valuable oil fields, only one resident remained.

He was rumoured to be the harbinger. The harbinger of death.

17:55, 20th May 2003

From the nearing state, Illinois, military forces were set up in Chicago, in order to take into the state and try to find the harbinger. The harbinger had caused massive terror around small towns, hypnotising those with his piercing red eyes, which led to a buzzsaw right through the body when they passed out on his command. He needed to be taken down, and as soon as possible.

"So, how are we gonna take this guy down?" Said Mike Cross, a veteran in these types of forces. "I don't know, maybe pack some explosives in case." Said Officer Daniel. "Maybe a 50 cal rifle and some bullets while you're at it."

Mike stayed silent for the rest of the day, preparing for the time to strike after he packed his weapons.

00:25, 21st May 2003

"So, when are we gonna strike?" Mike said. "Approximately at 5AM. We've still got 5 hours." Said Daniel. Then, out of nowhere, the new gunner, Ed Allen, blurted out "Maybe I need to get some rest."

"Of course you fuckin do, it's midnight, it's darker than an interrogation room!" Yelled out Mike in response. "Well, one thing that'll make this more complicated, is most likely the monsters spawned in his vicinity to drive away potential hunters. I don't even think they can be called monsters, they're kind of like... supernatural beings, but they're real." Ed said, in which Mike responded, "You could have just said monsters. Did you need all that to come out of your mouth?" Which Ed chained on with "You could say so..."

- 05:00, 21st May 2003

It was time to go off to Lansatro. Officer Daniel got in his Jeep, and took the other soldiers of the recon with him.

"So, this is going to be dangerous. So buckle your seatbelts and prepare your assholes, lock 'em tight."

As the Jeep rolled around the rocky roads, the greater the passing population phased out, until it became a ghost town. Not even the birds were chirping. All that could be heard was the droning of the wind.

After they got to the main LZ, they split up, going one by one to find the harbinger.

Only mere minutes later, Mike heard a loud shriek. "Shit! What was that?" He then took off to where it came from, loading his AR. The remains of a fellow soldier, William, were found. His body was FUBAR. It was a grotesque abomination.

"We've found a body, Daniel. William."

"This is the first death on the mission. This is not a good sign." Responded Officer Daniel. Mike then assured Daniel, saying "I'll rendezvous with Emilia."

(continuing soon...)


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125 Points

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Eternity 50 Points

Grab your piece of eternal kingship

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